Privacy Policy
Menique Perera Mental Health Recovery & Wellbeing Coach & Consultancy Services is committed to complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the “Act”) including its Schedule 1 Australian Privacy Principles 1-14 (the “Privacy Principles”).
The Act & Privacy Principles are designed to protect the privacy of individuals & the handling of their “personal information” & “sensitive information” & provide a means of enquiry or complaint if necessary.
This is our Policy on the collection, storage, use & disclosure of all “personal information” & “sensitive information” that we collect.
“Personal information” means information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether the information or opinion is true or not; and whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not (s6(1) Act).
“Sensitive information” includes health information about an individual (s6(1) Act & s6FA).
We collect both the above types of information and this organisation falls within the meaning of a “health service” (s6FB) within the Act.
Personal Information including Sensitive Information (“Information”) will not be collected by us by unlawful or unfair means nor will it be collected unnecessarily.
Information is only collected by us:
with your consent &
for the permitted purposes of use or disclosure under the Act if reasonably necessary for or directly related to our primary business purpose i.e. providing a quality client service including assessment & therapeutic support & our business activities that are related to that primary purpose e.g. record keeping & administration, billing & supervisory processes for the purposes of maintaining accreditation standards &
when collection is required by or authorised under law.
Information that is irrelevant or excessively personal will not be collected.
Data Quality/ Integrity
We will take all reasonable steps to ensure the Information we collect is accurate, up to date & complete; that it is not misleading & is obtained directly from our clients or other reputable sources.
We take such steps as are reasonable to ensure the Information in our possession or control is securely & confidentially stored & not misused or interfered with. Information will be destroyed when no longer required & will be de-identified where disclosure is required e.g. for supervisory purposes.
Access & Correction
Clients may access their Information upon request subject to any applicable restrictions to access as contained in the Act. Clients may seek correction of any inaccuracies in their Information held by us.
Use or Disclosure
The Information will not be used for any other purpose than the primary or related purposes (above) without the client’s consent; or where the client would reasonably consent; or if necessary, to lessen a serious threat to life or safety; or as required or authorised by law..
Direct Marketing
Any direct marketing will only occur by consent & will come with an opt-out/ unsubscribe option.
Cross-Border Disclosure of Personal Information to Overseas Recipients
If disclosure to an overseas recipient is necessary, such steps as are reasonable will be taken to ensure that recipient does not breach the Privacy Principles in relation to the Information.
Privacy Inquiries & Complaints
Privacy related inquiries or concerns should first be directed to Menique Perera for a speedy resolution. If that process fails to resolve the issue, complaints on breaches of the Privacy Principles may be directed to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (the “OAIC”) telephone: 1300 363 992; email:; website:
Availability and Review of Policy
This Privacy Policy is available upon request and available via a link to this Policy on our Website.
This Policy will be reviewed from time to time and any amendments will be incorporated into the updated policy.